5 o'clock. Interstate-294 west of Chicago near O'Hare International Airport. A car swerves violently into the right hand exit lane, causing the next car to slam on the brakes and peel into the shoulder. Car horns blare, certain fingers are raised violently, and the flow of traffic behind the swerving car comes to a screeching halt. Scenes like this are a daily occurrence on the interstates around Chicago and other major cities around the country. This is synonymous with rush hour traffic. When I was younger, I was always baffled by what caused the huge traffic backups, especially those during the peak hours of commute. I knew that accidents and construction projects were common culprits, but traffic still always confused me. "If people just pay attention and drive the speed limit, traffic should never be a problem," I naively thought to myself. Then came the summer of 2017 and my mind was opened to a whole new understanding of traffic. As a part of my internship o...
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